Why Support the Kids' Happiness Action Initiative?

Gadgets Winning Minds of Children Globally
Related to the above is the problem that children who do not learn real interactions, with all their flaws and imperfections, will come to know better a virtual world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false perception of the real world.
Gaps In Kids' Social Skills Education In Developing Countries
In many of the developing countries, educational programs usually tend to adopt traditional Western models of education, with an emphasis on math, science, language, and social studies. While all these subjects are important to build an overall intellectual capacity of a child, they should be complemented by an opportunity to acquire a set of social skills and moral values.
Social skills and moral values are critically important to prepare children to succeed in their future lives, where they will have to interact with other people, make difficult life choices, and create opportunities for securing their livelihood and well-being. In addition, schooling should also provide children with the relevant knowledge to promote the physical health needed for economic stability and quality of life.

Learning By Doing

Early Childhood Development And The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda